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 Tee Times 4 Turk 2024

The event for Tee Times 4 Turk fundraiser was held on June 10, 2024 and was a great success.

Click here to see more.

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Turk Churchill and his pandemic mask.

Welcome to The Friends of RBC


The Friends of RBC is a charitable non-profit organization that was formed as a tribute to Robert/Bob/Turk Churchill in his endeavors to generate grassroots support to assist people in need that is confidential and free of judgment. 


As our donor base has grown, we are excited to share that we have been expanding our assistance throughout the Mansfield community. 


Through various fundraising activities such as our yearly golf tournament and planned band/dinner nights, we have been able to enjoy a higher profile with new donors and maintain support from our trusted base.


 It is an honor and privilege to help others in the name of our loved brother and friend Bob Churchill."

Copyright © 2024  Friends of RBC,Inc.   Websites & Seo   All Rights Reserved.

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